Country business map
Anthem of Canada
Geographical position
Economy of Canada
National cuisine of Canada
Canadians Clothing
Architectural landmarks of Canada
Customs and traditions and holidays
Thanks for attention
Category: businessbusiness

Canada. Country business map

1. Canada

2. Country business map

Official name: Canada. Form of government: federal
parliamentary state with two legislative chambers
(Senate - 104 members, House of Commons - 301). Head of
State: Queen Elizabeth II (also of Great Britain).
Representative of the Head of State: Governor General
David Lloyd Johnston Head of government: Prime
Minister Stephen Harper Capital: Ottawa. Official
languages: French and English. Official religion:
Catholicism International organizations: NATO (since
1949), Commonwealth of Nations, APEC, G8 Canada is a
constitutional monarchy, in fact - a federal democratic
state with a parliamentary form of government.

3. Flag

The flag of Canada is one of the state symbols of the
country. It is a rectangular red cloth with a white
square in the middle, on which is placed the image of
an eleven-pointed red maple leaf. The width of the
flag relates to its length as 1: 2. The flag was adopted
in 1965.

4. Anthem of Canada

O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot
love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts
we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard
for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O
Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we
stand on guard for thee.

5. Geographical position

Canada occupies
2nd place in
terms of area,
after Russia
Washed by the
waters of the
Arctic, Pacific and
Atlantic oceans
Borders the
United States of
America in the
south and west

6. Population

Canada is a multinational
country. Two ethnic groups
predominate: AngloCanadians (40%) and
French-Canadians (27%).
Indigenous population:
Eskimos, Indians. The bulk
of the population (about
90%) is located in the south
of Canada. In the north, the
focal type of settlement
prevails. Population
growth is associated with

7. Agriculture

Agriculture is most developed on the chernozem
soils of the steppes of the Great Plains. They grow
wheat, corn, and livestock.

8. Economy of Canada

Canada is a highly developed country with a
market economy that has reached postindustrial development. It is part of the "Big
Seven" of Western countries and the NAFTA
integration group. In the world economy,
MGRT has its own "face", which is
determined by 4 groups of industries her
international specialization.

9. National cuisine of Canada

In everyday dishes of Canadians there are dishes
made from natural meat such as steak, roast beef,
langeta. A rather "successful" Canadian dish is fillet
brochette (pieces of fillet, bacon, mushrooms and
onions skewered on a skewer and fried on a spit).
The first courses of Canadian cuisine include mashed
soups made from vegetables, cauliflower, pumpkin,
tomato and broths with croutons, noodles, and
herbs. The most popular dishes in Canada are
pumpkin soup and maple syrup.

10. Canadians Clothing

The clothes of Canadians resemble Russian or
European ones, it is allowed to wear clothes
of your choice and taste. Winters are cold,
from June to August, residents wear sandals,
shorts and other light clothing, in windy and
rainy autumn - raincoats and jackets with

11. Architectural landmarks of Canada

The National War Memorial is a
monument at Confederation Square in
Ottawa, the capital of Canada.
Inaugurated on May 21, 1939 by King
George VI. The memorial was originally
dedicated to the participants and victims
of the First World War. Since 1982, the
monument has also become a monument
to Canadians who fell for their homeland
during World War II and the Korean War.

12. Customs and traditions and holidays

The list of federal holidays in the country is rather
modest. There are almost no public holidays in Canada as
Obedience Day and Holy Monday are also working days.
Non-working days in the country are from December 25th
to January 1st. New Year - January 1 Good Friday - the date
depends on the calendar of church holidays Easter
Monday - the date depends on the calendar of the church
holidays Queen Victoria Day on May 24 Canada Day - July 1
First Monday in August (names may vary) - August 7 Labor
Day - First Monday in September - 4 September
Thanksgiving - October 9 Christmas Day - December 25-26.

13. Thanks for attention

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