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Protection of the marine environment in international law


Chumachenko V.A.


Marine pollution - direct or indirect introduction
of substances and energy into the marine
environment by humans, which can lead to such
detrimental consequences as harm to living
resources and life at sea, danger to human health,
interfering with legitimate activities at sea,
reducing the quality of sea water and the
deterioration of recreational conditions.


from land
from ships


from (or through)
the atmosphere
due to burial, due to
activities on the


Currently, in international legal practice, the
following main ways to protect seawater from
pollution have developed:
a complete ban on the transport by sea of one or
another dangerous substance;
adoption of standards for the discharge of
pollutants into the sea;
adoption of technological standards for the design
and equipment of ships, cargo and bunker
issuance of a special permit for the discharge of
substances into the sea.


In 1969, the International
Convention on Civil
Liability for Damage from
Oil Pollution was adopted.
The Convention provides
for a system of
compulsory insurance for
the transportation of
petroleum products.
Pursuant to this
Convention, in 1971, the
International Convention
on the Establishment of an
International (Insurance)
Fund for Compensation
for Oil Pollution Damage


The Fund is the only intergovernmental
organization in the world that pays compensation
to victims of pollution. The Fund also serves
shipowners as they are civilly liable for oil spills
from their owned vessels.


Russia participates in international conventions:
on civil liability for damage from oil pollution of
the sea in 1992;
on the establishment of the International Fund for
Compensation for Damage from Marine Oil
Pollution in 1992
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