Category: artart

George Seurat


George Seurat. 2nd December of 1859 - 29 March 1891.Attended the
School of Fine Arts. Then he served in the army in Brest. In 1880 he
returned to Paris. In search of his own style in art, he invented the socalled pointillism — an artistic technique for transmitting shades and
colors using individual color dots.


The lyrical hero [the artist] feels uncomfortable among people.
Seurat talked about interpersonal
relationships and The flaws of society
that led to
the depression of the hero.



This way he makes us understand that the world is imperfect and we have to accept it as it is , but
not to become like the majority, but to devote ourselves to something - for example , art . He also
wonders if anything will change in 100 - 200 years?


That's the end of it,thank you all.Be yourself .
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