Category: englishenglish

Modern jargon in the speech of youth


Khabarovsk Industrial and Economic College
Topic: «Modern
jargon in the
speech of youth»
Performed by: Anastasia Cherepanova
Student of the group: OBAS-11
Headed by: Raevskaya Oksana Viktorovna


Purpose and relevance of the
• The purpose of the project: to identify the
features of the use of youth jargon in the
speech of school children.
• The relevance of the topic: the research
work is due to the fact that youth jargon is
one of the components of the process of
language development, its replenishment
and diversity.
• Hypothesis: the vocabulary of youth slang
prevails in the speech of adolescents.


Project tasks
• Define the concept of youth jargon;
• To identify the sources and causes of the appearance of jargon
on the territory of Russia;
• Determine the place of jargon in speech culture;
• Identify, highlight and describe the functions and varieties of
modern jargon;
• To monitor the speech of peers for the use of slang words;
• Identify the pros and cons of youth jargon.


and lively phenomenon. The
oral and written speech of a
significantly from the speech of
people who lived in the 19th
and even in the 20th century.
Nowadays, the speech culture
of teenagers is experiencing a
strong onslaught of foreign
words and slang, this is
especially noticeable in school


The causes of jargon (slang).
1.Civil War
2.The appearance of stylists
3.Informal movements
4.The period of computerization


slang words the same
Many linguists are of the opinion that this is the same thing. So in a Large
Encyclopedic Dictionary in the definition, the authors indicate that «slang is the
same as jargon», but is more used in English—speaking countries. Therefore, these
two words are synonyms or interchangeable, therefore they are quite equal. The
main difference is that «jargon» came to us from French, and this word looks rude,
even a little vulgar. And the word «slang» is from English, it is softer and sounds
very beautiful.


Pros and cons of slang in the
youth environment
• General theme
• An interesting form of
• A way of self-expression
• Shortens words with out
changing their meaning
• Speech becomes interesting
in sound
• Clogs up Russian speech


The process of forming slang
• Abbreviations,
• Rhyme;
• Borrowing:
Full borrowing;
Borrowing the basics;
Phonetic mimicry


Conducting a survey
Among the first-year students of the Khabarovsk
Industrial and Economic College of the OBAS-11 group, a
survey was conducted on the use of slang in speech.
The survey showed that almost all teenagers use
slang in communication. Also on the diagrams you can see
that many teenagers consider themselves misunderstood
adults. The analysis of the survey results confirms the
conclusions already made that youth slang is a means of
affirming teenagers in life, it is caused by the desire to create
their own, similar to adult life. Youth slang has a bright
expressive and stylistic coloring, so its words can easily turn
into colloquial everyday speech.


The paper examines the reasons for the use of jargon in speech and notes
that students use jargon as a means of expression, considering it fashionable and,
thus, striving to create their own world, different from an adult. In addition, it was
found that many schoolchildren treat jargon as a temporary phenomenon in their
speech, but a considerable part of the respondents consider it necessary, or do not
think at all about the quality of their speech. Working on the topic "Modern jargon
in the speech of young people", we can come to the conclusion that it is impossible
to treat this phenomenon unambiguously, it is pointless to prohibit the use of
jargon (this will not lead to the desired result), but it is also impossible not to see a
dangerous trend of jargonization of the literary language.
Therefore, we, schoolchildren and students, need to learn how to
distinguish between words that are different in stylistic coloring, to choose the
right language means that are adequate to a specific communication situation. To
do this, it is necessary not only to know the norms of the literary language, but also
to analyze your speech.
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